Excel to go beyond industry standards



We work in partnership with engineering firms and the mining industry to better understand the needs of customers, in order to design and manufacture equipment offering a performance above the industry standards:

  • Better product reliability
  • Extended durability
  • Better behavior towards environment
  • Possibility to increase production capacity


With our know-how and an extensive experience gained over many projects, we have developed considerable expertise in the design and manufacture of mining equipment perfectly adapted to any environment:

  • Belts and chain conveyors
  • Interior or exterior conveyors
  • Chutes, structures, catwalk, handrails
  • Machine structures
  • Fabricated steel
  • Reject boxes, splitter boxes, pump boxes
  • Screen boxes and launders


All our equipment are 100% pre-assembled at the factory in order to facilitate and reduce installation cost and time

Considering that on site assembling takes on average twice longer than the time allocated to do so at the factory, it represents a saving around $60,000 and 600 hours of work on site for the installation of a 150 meters conveyor inside a tubular gallery

«We definitely saved 15%, even 20% on installation costs with the Hydralfor conveyors compared to the installation of other conveyors on the Pointe-Noire project. The way the conveyors are supplied is resulting that less work is required when they are installed on site»

Denis Rivière, Site Manager for KLS (CLM Pointe-Noire)

«The technical advices provided by Hydralfor and its emergency service available if needed are much appreciated.»

Chantal Pichette, STAS